What a sad sad story

What a sad sad story
the not getting anywhere
the not making it.

The getting it and then losing it
the aloneness
the longing for love, which can never be gotten
the longing for permanence, that can never be attained.

What a sad story
the never-ending search for something that seems missing, but you don’t know exactly what it is
something’s been lost
something’s not right
but you can’t find it.

What a sad sad story playing out in the cinema of infinity.

How else could the story be.

In the end you want there to be a finding, like in the movies
but there can’t ever be a finding, because nothing was ever lost or needed.

The story can’t have a happy ending, the happy ending is what the story’s playing out in.
The happy ending is the collapsing or the ending of the story, and then the happy ending is revealed as what was there the whole time, even while the sad story was running.

The sad story has to be of the dynamic of sad story
How else could there be a story
How else would there be a difference.

3 thoughts on “What a sad sad story


    Rereading your blogs Rebekah….”The happy ending is what the storyโ€™s playing out in”, resonates deeply…The Rebekah character has a gifted way of stringing words….If she did not know that already…Much love : )


    Rereading your blogs Rebekah….”The happy ending is what the storyโ€™s playing out in”…resonates deeply here…The Rebekah character has a beautiful way of stringing words…if she did not know that already : ) Much love.

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