Come as you are

Be as you are…all of you. The beauty in that…the permission in that, for that body and for others. There is nothing wrong with any aspect of you. The freedom in allowing that body to be as it is…all colours and flavours of it… Such love!!! 😍 This isn’t a prescription of something you can do, […]


It feels as if all the spiritual loftiness goes, and the rawness and fullness of the human experience is all there is <3

I love you

The unwinding of this human experience is endless…and this eternal unwinding needs no goal or finish line, it itself is so so beautiful <3 There’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s all us <3

Both are not two

Every thing and no thing, that is what I am I don’t exist, and yet I am everything You can find me in the blossoming flower, the laughing child, the tears of the mourning mother, the striking fist of an attackers blow I am all of it, only I exist, and yet I am unfindable […]

Nothing else will do

There’s no grander search, than the search to discover what this is…the search to discover god. For the sensitive ones who aren’t satisfied with waiting to die to discover god, or in politics and world affairs, are told to wait or fight until the world is peaceful and fair. For those sensitive ones, the wait […]

There’s no-one there but…

Awakening is painful. This ain’t no picnic. I see that the person wants to stay in the lightness, stay in the concepts of there’s no-one there. When there’s a slight touching of that pain underneath, when there’s an opening of that lid, it quickly wants to go back to the comfort of the teaching of […]


You can’t do this, and there’s no need for you to, but still… Die to God Let God consume you That is all there is.

This is it

This has been spoken about by hundreds if not thousands of humans for generations; a pointing to that which is beyond form. It became known as Heaven or Nirvana, and with this naming and concept of it, imaginings began of what it was like and how to get there, and how you would look and […]